Teach you to know the wear-resistant hammer head material of crusher

Update time:2024-08-13 view:

The wear-resistant hammer head of the crusher can generally be divided into bimetal composite materials, high manganese steel materials, high chromium cast iron materials, and alloy steel materials. So how to quickly distinguish?

First, look at the surface. Because the bimetal composite hammer head (many customers call it a high-chromium alloy hammer head) has an alloy steel handle and a high-chromium working part, there is a dividing line between the working part and the hammering part. Hammerheads made of other materials are not available. As shown in the picture below, our company's bimetallic hammer head can be seen with obvious material boundaries.

bimetal composite hammer head

Second, look at the magnetism. High manganese steel hammer heads are slightly magnetic, while high chromium is magnetic. You can test it with a magnet. If the hammer head has a dividing line and is magnetic, it is usually a bimetallic composite hammer head. If there is no dividing line and the magnetism is not obvious, it is generally a high manganese steel hammer head. As shown below, our company's high manganese steel hammer head:

high manganese steel hammer head

Third, use the worn hammer head. The worn part is shiny and rust-free, and it is made of high chromium material. It may be a high-chromium cast iron hammer head or a bimetal composite hammer head, which can be distinguished by whether there is a dividing line.

Fourth, if the hammer head does not have a hammer, use screws or other means to fix it when putting it on the machine. It is magnetic and is generally made of pure high-chromium cast iron. As shown below:

high-chromium cast iron hammer head

The above is a simple method to distinguish the material of the crusher hammer head. If you still have questions, you can send an email to zhiliwearparts@lyzhili.com to communicate directly with our company.

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